Monday 17 December 2007

When we are together | Quando estamos juntos

Last week I talked with a friend that wears green clothes and is a gardener.
He told me about 'companion planting' and how different crops are planted together because they help each other grow better.

If you plant carrots and leeks together they protect each other against a number of pests. Leeks repelo carrot fly and carrots repel onion and leek moth.

This means the nasty insects stay away and the carrots and leeks both grow big and strong and lovely.

Clever gardeners.

We do life better when we grow together.

Keir Shreeves

All I want for Christmas

I haven't written a line for ages...
At this time of the year We (me & Maria)are completely, 95% busy. We have had concerts in church, workshops, special services and special meals with people we Love.

However, it's important to bear in our minds we nees time to just be quiet and listen to our God's voice. So all I want for Christmas is the PEACE that comes from the Holy Spirit.

Celebrate this time, rejoice because Jesus has been born